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The 2nd Annual CAKE Awards 2024

Lisa, Kelly and Emilee during CAKE's 2nd birthday receiving their awards.

August 19, 2024

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Last month, we not only celebrated our 2nd birthday, but we also celebrated the women who make CAKE what it is with our values and our annual CAKE awards!  

Our values are not just some nice-sounding words strung together. Our values are what we respect, what we encourage, and what we applaud; in our people, in our partners, in our services, every day. The CAKE TM annual awards recognise those team members who best embody our values. 

As CAKE grows, so does the need for the recognition of more of our values in action. And so, this year we were thrilled to bestow two team members with awards.  

Coralee Jacobsen Award  

Every year the Coralee Jacobsen Award (inspired by our Founder and Director’s Mother) celebrates a key CAKE team member who embodies all of our values, but most importantly, the team member who Creates Community through radiating optimism, good humour and spirit. 

This meaningful award is rooted in strength, resilience, and unwavering positive determination. You can read more about the origin story of this award here.  

And the winner is…. 

This years’ Coralee Award is proudly awarded to one of our regular collaborators, Emilee Nichols

Emilee has many wonderful qualities, making us grateful to have her part of our growing CAKE network. Working with CAKE as a freelance social media consultant under her brand Bee Digital Social, Emilee has collaborated with us on many client projects (GO2 Health, Virtus Heritage, Grief & Co. to name a few!)  

One of CAKE’s earliest collaborators, Emilee brings her signature sense of humour to single every meeting, without fail. Emilee’s optimism and her problem-solving mindset has been pivotal to our team and our success in good times and in challenge. Whether she’s discussing real social strategy or the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (a guilty pleasure for quite a few of us at CAKE… don’t judge us…), she brings our community together, and very much embodies the original inspiration of this award.  

We’re thrilled to present this coveted award to Emilee. Congratulations Em, so well deserved. 

Strive for Excellence Award  

This year we also proudly introduced the inaugural Strive for Excellence Award, inspired by David Prior (our Founder and Director’s Father).  

One of CAKE’s biggest supporters and champions, over the last three decades David impressed upon his daughter the importance of high standards, hard work, good choices, rock-solid resilience and self-improvement. This award is inspired by an incredibly hard-working man with exceptionally high standards for himself who despite the challenges and curveballs life threw his way on his journey, he always found a way to rise to the occasion: to learn, grow, evolve and better himself. 

Our Strive for Excellence Award isn’t for the person who never fails (hint, they don’t exist). But rather,  recognises the team member who without fail always strives for excellence in every, single, pursuit.  

“Enjoy the good times, and grow in the challenging times, both are important.”  

And the winner is….  

This years’ Strive for Excellence Award is proudly awarded to our Marketing Account Manager, Lisa Evans.  

In her role at CAKE and at home, Lisa wears many hats and impressively always, always, always strives for excellence to support those around her. We’re incredibly grateful to her warmth, her attention to detail and her dedication: to CAKE’s purpose, our partners and our people.  

Lisa is absolutely the embodiment of our strive for excellence value and makes the perfect recipient for this inaugural award.  

The 2nd Annual CAKE Awards 2024

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