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our recipe book 

Here you'll find a curation of all things business, wellness and lifestyle we have to share with you to have your CAKE and eat it too. Also, if we're celebrating something, you'll read about it here first too. 

Inspiration for a beautiful life

Virtus Heritage Brand Style Guide
the latest

Virtus Heritage Rebranding Success 

CAKE stepped in, with a mission to uplift Virtus Heritage’s brand and digital presence.

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Here we'll keep you updated across all things Business, Wellness and Lifestyle here. And occasionally if we have something cool we want to share of ours too! 
TOp categories

In the whirlwind of modern life, we often find ourselves wearing multiple capes – as parents, professionals, and guardians of our own well-being.

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A 5-year growth plan elevates GO2 Health from a Health Clinic to an award-winning industry leader.

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Navigating small business marketing is like venturing into the unknown. It’s a blend of excitement and uncertainty. Sometimes, the path isn’t clear, leaving you questioning your decisions.

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CAKE continually seeks exceptional talent. Today, we’re introducing our newest family member, Lisa Evans, bringing her unique skills and enthusiasm to our ranks.

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